The IASSC Lean Six Sigma Green Belt Study Guide is a free, quick-reference list of essential material to prepare for and pass the certification exam. Master the IASSC Six Sigma Greenbelt Body of Knowledge with this Study Guide.
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IASSC Universally Accepted Lean Six Sigma Body of Knowledge for Green Belts
1.0 Define Phase
1.1 The Basics of Six Sigma
1.1.1 Meanings of Six Sigma
1.1.2 General History of Six Sigma & Continuous Improvement
1.1.3 Deliverables of a Lean Six Sigma Project
1.1.4 The Problem Solving Strategy Y = f(x)
1.1.5 Voice of the Customer, Business and Employee
1.1.6 Six Sigma Roles & Responsibilities
1.2 The Fundamentals of Six Sigma
1.2.1 Defining a Process
1.2.2 Critical to Quality Characteristics (CTQ’s)
1.2.3 Cost of Poor Quality (COPQ)
1.2.4 Pareto Analysis (80:20 rule)
1.2.5 Basic Six Sigma Metrics
a. including DPU, DPMO, FTY, RTY Cycle Time, deriving these metrics and these metrics. (Also see lean metrics)
1.3 Selecting Lean Six Sigma Projects
1.3.1 Building a Business Case & Project Charter
1.3.2 Developing Project Metrics
1.3.3 Financial Evaluation & Benefits Capture
1.4 The Lean Enterprise
1.4.1 Understanding Lean
1.4.2 The History of Lean
1.4.3 Lean & Six Sigma
1.4.4 The Seven Elements of Waste
a. Overproduction, Correction, Inventory, Motion, Overprocessing, Conveyance, Waiting.
1.4.5 5S
a. Straighten, Shine, Standardize, Self-Discipline, Sort
2.0 Measure Phase
2.1 Process Definition
2.1.1 Cause & Effect / Fishbone Diagrams
2.1.2 Process Mapping, SIPOC, Value Stream Map (Also see: Process Map, Difference between Process Map and Value Stream Map)
2.1.3 X-Y Diagram
2.1.4 Failure Modes & Effects Analysis (FMEA)
2.2 Six Sigma Statistics
2.2.1 Basic Statistics
2.2.2 Descriptive Statistics
2.2.3 Normal Distributions & Normality
2.2.4 Graphical Analysis
2.3 Measurement System Analysis
2.3.1 Precision & Accuracy
2.3.2 Bias, Linearity & Stability
2.3.3 Gage Repeatability & Reproducibility
2.3.4 Variable & Attribute MSA
2.4 Process Capability
2.4.1 Capability Analysis
2.4.2 Concept of Stability
2.4.3 Attribute & Discrete Capability
2.4.4 Monitoring Techniques
3.0 Analyze Phase
3.1 Patterns of Variation
3.1.1 Multi-Vari Analysis
3.1.2 Classes of Distributions
3.2 Inferential Statistics
3.2.1 Understanding Inference
3.2.2 Sampling Techniques & Uses
3.2.3 Central Limit Theorem
3.3 Hypothesis Testing
3.3.1 General Concepts & Goals of Hypothesis Testing
3.3.2 Significance; Practical vs. Statistical
3.3.3 Risk; Alpha & Beta
3.3.4 Types of Hypothesis Test
3.4 Hypothesis Testing with Normal Data
3.4.1 1 & 2 sample t-tests
3.4.2 1 sample variance
3.4.3 One Way ANOVA
a. Including Tests of Equal Variance, Normality Testing and Sample Size calculation, performing tests and interpreting results.
3.5 Hypothesis Testing with Non-Normal Data
3.5.1 Mann-Whitney
3.5.2 Kruskal-Wallis
3.5.3 Mood’s Median
3.5.4 Friedman
3.5.5 1 Sample Sign
3.5.6 1 Sample Wilcoxon
3.5.7 One and Two Sample Proportion
3.5.8 Chi-Squared (Contingency Tables)
a. Including Tests of Equal Variance, Normality Testing and Sample Size calculation, performing tests and interpreting results.
4.0 Improve Phase
4.1 Simple Linear Regression
4.1.1 Correlation
4.1.2 Regression Equations
4.1.3 Residuals Analysis
4.2 Multiple Regression Analysis
4.2.1 Non- Linear Regression
4.2.2 Multiple Linear Regression
4.2.3 Confidence & Prediction Intervals
4.2.4 Residuals Analysis
4.2.5 Data Transformation, Box Cox
5.0 Control Phase
5.1 Lean Controls
5.1.1 Control Methods for 5S
5.1.2 Kanban
5.1.3 Poka-Yoke (Mistake Proofing)
5.2 Statistical Process Control (SPC)
5.2.1 Data Collection for SPC
5.2.2 I-MR Chart
5.2.3 Xbar-R Chart
5.2.4 U Chart
5.2.5 P Chart
5.2.6 NP Chart
5.2.7 X-S chart
5.2.8 CumSum Chart
5.2.9 EWMA Chart
5.2.10 Control Chart Anatomy
5.3 Six Sigma Control Plans
5.3.1 Cost Benefit Analysis
5.3.2 Elements of the Control Plan
5.3.3 Elements of the Response Plan
Be sure to check the official IASSC Green Belt page for latest updates.
Comments (22)
Hi, I subscribe for the BOK but it looks like l got the 6 Sigma BOK, however, l need the study for the Lean 6 Sigma BOK and study plan.
Hi Shola,
These are one and the same. I’ll update the title of the page to add clarity.
Thanks, Ted.
This comment is factually incorrect. Lean Six Sigma incorporates methodologies from Lean models (like the TPS) as well as from the Theory of Constraints (“The Goal” by Eli Goldratt). Six Sigma focuses primarily on identifying, reducing and controlling defects (DMAIC, DMADV). There is most certainly a difference between the two in terms of testing and studying.
Alexis, please re-read the OP’s question. They are asking specifically about the IASSC BOK.
If you’re unaware, the IASSC is an organization which provides Six Sigma certification. They have one certification that is inclusive of Lean & Six Sigma and the topics they test on are what is covered on this page.
Their single exam is referenced by both “Six Sigma” and “Lean Six Sigma”, hence my answer.
While there is a difference between those 2 titles “factually”, in context of this answer there is not.
Hi Ted, really great material and information. I do feel though as if the website is very difficult to use. A lot of jumping around between articles and tests, and then I’m not sure if I have missed something.
I understand. There is a lot of material here.
The best way to progress is to go through the materials in the order of the Course home page.
At the beginning of each Module there is a reference list. If you’ve taken good training, you’re all set. If you want a refresher, you can use the links there to help fill in the gaps. And of course, if you get any questions wrong in the quizzes or exams, follow the links there to the articles to improve your understanding.
Best, Ted.
Hi Ted,
I am thinking of completing the AISSC Green Belt. I definitely will be using your study guide, however, I saw that the membership is canceled after 1 year. Are there resources (in like a book) that I can buy to have reference to once I complete the Green Belt?
Hi David,
There are a number of downloads available and more added every month.
The vast majority of the site is open to all – hundreds of pages like the ones linked to on this page. Those reference pages will be available for a long time.
Best, Ted.
How much time daily or weekly should I reserve studying for the Lean Green Belt test? And…roughly how much will it cost to take the test?
Thanks for the advice!
Hi Don,
Thanks for reaching out. This is difficult to answer because it depends on so many variables;
1) What’s your current level of training and experience?
2) How comprehensive was your training?
3) How much time do you have to apply to studying per week.
I write more about this here but I think 4-8 weeks is a typical band.
Thanks to Ted Hessing for the training guide. I followed your material and passed my green belt exam.
I took a leap of faith and it turned out successful. I highly recommend anyone looking to pass their exam to consider your website. Your training material not only helps to just pass the exam, but also you get gain knowledge and skills that I think will be useful in my career.Thank Ted Hessing!
What a wonderful complement, Elly! Thank you and congratulations on your great achievement!!
I hope you’ll keep the website bookmarked for reference and, as you progress in your career, return to share the insights you’ve gained applying these principles so we can learn from you.
Wishing you all the best, Ted.
Hi Ted,
I do have a query. I am working on taking up IASSC LSSGB exam some time in June. I would like to check if the study guide you offer on the subscription is different from the contents of this page here –
Kindly clarify. Thanks
I find the site quite useful. Great work here!
Hi Swetha,
Thanks for reaching out. Yes, this page is a collection of articles I have related to the IASSC BOK for green belts. The study guide is so much more including over 1000 questions with full answer walkthroughs, study tips, quizzes, and multiple full length exams. You can see more about the Pass Your Six Sigma Green Belt program here.
Best, Ted.
I’m looking for the full green belt study guide for IASSC.
Can you share it?
Yes, Ahmed. Just register here.
Best, Ted.
For the 2 chapters, 4.1.2 Regression Equations and 4.1.3 Residuals Analysis, the links are the same.
Many thanks
Hi Birgit,
I do not have a separate resource for Residuals Analysis at this time. I do mention it towards the end of the Regression Equations article, so I linked to that one.
Best, Ted.
There are many topics of IASSC study guide not active and do not open.
i thought that I can access them after subscription but the same issue still exist.
for example :
2.4.1 Capability Analysis
2.4.2 Concept of Stability
2.4.3 Attribute & Discrete Capability
2.4.4 Monitoring Techniques
would you check it please?
Hi Mohammed,
In each of these cases the subtopics are already covered in the master article listed above it. Please see the process capability article linked to in 2.4 for these concepts.
Best, Ted.
Will the questions for Six Sigma assist with prep for IASSC LSSGB?
Yes, my program will help you pass the IASSC Lean Six Sigma Green Belt program as it has helped thousands of others!