A frequent question that I’ve been getting is How to Self-Study for a Six Sigma Certification Exam. Self-study will be difficult but possible. I think you should do a few things:

I am yet to start my SSGB journey, but I have decided to take IASSC certification and I have also decided to self study, with your help of course. Where do you recommend I start?

Thanks,  K

K- (Email)

Review my Six Sigma Certification FAQs

If you’re just starting out I’ll bet you have a ton of questions.

From experience, the answers to those questions will lead to even more questions.

This is why I’ve been creating a master list of Six Sigma Frequently Asked Questions. Take a look. Read a few articles. Leave a few questions. Get yourself started on the right path as early as possible.

Consider Some Kind of Formal Training

Look, I know the title of this article is ‘How to Self-Study for a Six Sigma Certification Exam.’ Even so, some training is better than no training.

Even if you want to be as cost-conscious as possible, there are many different Six Sigma Training options at various price points, delivery methods, and levels of efficacy.

Make use of Reference Material

Take a look at my (growing) list of Six Sigma Reference Books. See which ones you can borrow from the library, your professional network, or acquire on your own.

Read as many as possible.

I have started self-study on Six Sigma and hit a few hiccups along my way which then got me into a lost state on the relevance and sufficiency of study materials that I have.  

Juin Q (email)

I’d start with actual training materials and foundations before making use of study guides. All study guides, including my own, should be used after understanding base materials, case studies, and the like is complete.

Learn What They Will Ask You

The major organizations will tell you what they will test you in documents called Body of Knowledge (BOK). I have links to all of the necessary material organized by popular BOKs. (If yours is not listed, send me a link to the certification and I’ll happily add it!)

Read and review the one that makes sense for your. Click into and read what I have for the main concept pages. Ask questions where concepts are not clear.

Could I study base on the study guide listed in your website (https://sixsigmastudyguide.com/six-sigma-study-guides/iassc-six-sigma-green-belt-study-guide/) ?

Juin Q (email)

While I strive to make all of the material I put on the site accurate and complete, Six Sigma is broad-ranging. Making use of the topics I have in the BOK would be a great start but be sure you’re actively questioning the material, doing practice questions on the topics, and trying to find case studies where it has been used as well as brainstorming where you can use the techniques.

Learn from Others Who Came Before You

Here are several case studies of how other candidates have passed their Six Sigma Green and Black Belt exams and what they did.

Their situations may have some similarities to yours. What can you adopt from their strategies to be successful as well?

Take Lots of Practice Exams

If you are entirely self-studying, you will likely benefit from a custom study guide with thousands of practice questions, dozens of quizzes, and mock exams.

The Unknown Factor – Exam Paper.

This is unlike other professional certifications where past year papers are easily available for reference. Thus,

i)                    It is unknown to me on how the questions are like and in what areas they would be heavily tested on.

ii)                   I am not sure whether I have emphasized correctly on the key areas of the topics. My current study style is understanding on the processes in the phases of a six sigma project as well as the tools to be used for each phase, but not in a very detailed manner.

Juin Q. (email)

Juin is absolutely correct. Many other certifications publish reference exams. You would be able to take these old exams and practice them and get a sense for the rigor and types of questions you’d be asked.

Not so with Six Sigma.

That’s why I built Pass Your Six Sigma Green Belt.

It gives you exactly what you’re asking for. Practice exams covering exactly the topics that will be on your exam. Proven track record of preparing hundreds of exam candidates to pass the exam. Thousands of questions, dozens of quizzes and full length practice exams. Fully detailed answer walk throughs of every question. Read more here.

When you do go to study, be sure you’re studying as effectively and efficiently as possible. Here’s a great way to do it.

Look for Mentors & Coaches

You may also want some coaching along the way so please consider one of the tiers that offers more interaction.

Sign up for my study guide here to assess your understanding of the material here.

Your Turn!

Have you self-studied for a Six Sigma Exam? What would you recommend? What difficulties are you encountering? Where could you use help?

Best, Ted


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