Cumulative Sum Chart (CUSUM) is a type of control chart used to detect the deviation of the values or subgroup mean from the target value.

Cumulative Sum Chart (CUSUM)
Posted by Ted Hessing
Control phase of DMAIC
Cumulative Sum Chart (CUSUM) is a type of control chart used to detect the deviation of the values or subgroup mean from the target value.
An Individual moving range chart (I-MR Chart) also called X-MR is used when data is continuous and not collected in subgroups (n=1).
Statistical process control (SPC) is a technique for applying statistical analysis to measure, monitor, and control processes.
X Bar S Control Charts are a type of control chart often used to examine the process mean and standard deviation over time.
The Control phase is the fifth and last phase of a DMAIC process. The main activity in the Control phase is to control the improved process.