Ask ten people, “What is quality?” and you’ll get ten different answers. Look at industry definitions of ‘quality’ and how to measure it.
Am I ready to take a Six Sigma certification exam? Will I pass? Do I need to invest more time or resources?” Here’s your guide to saving thousands of $.
The Pareto Priority Index or PPI takes in a project’s savings, its likelihood of being successful, cost of the project, as well as its implementation time.
Six Sigma Case studies are among the most requested topics from this audience. Reviewing how project teams are able to apply Six Sigma to drive business results is valuable to both the new learners and seasoned professionals. And I aim to please! Call for Six Sigma Case Studies Do you have a Lean, Six Sigma (more…)
Six Sigma terminology – ok, jargon – can be difficult for new learners to assimilate. One reader responded in our survey that; “I’m studying for Green Belt ad the jargon is mind blowing. I think to make this more accessible and understandable for fresh students who are not aware of LSS, the narrative needs to (more…)