I love helping people pass their Six Sigma certification exams. In February I received a note from Dan, who had recently passed his exam using Pass Your Six Sigma Green Belt.

Dan was kind enough to follow over email and share a few of his best practices:


Of course it’s best to take Six Sigma training, but if you’re short on time, Dan has a specific recommendation:

For the ASQ greenbelt, if the person has limited time to study I would recommend spending more time learning concepts than learning how to work through complicated problems.

Dan Villaman, (via LinkedIn)

Prioritize Your Study Time

After learning basics, Dan focused on the equations;

Instead of going deep into each control chart or test I would learn when it needs to be used, and then simple equations to get UCL and LCL.

Dan V

There are several ways to prioritize your study. My favorite is to take a baseline exam, pick the topics you score the worst in, and bring those areas up to be strengths.

Test Taking Strategy

Everyone has their own test taking strategy. The important thing is to practice enough simulated exams so that you can hone and develop your own.

(The) Only reason I was able to finish on time was by skipping every questions that I didn’t automatically know and then going back and answering them after I had gotten all the easy ones. 

Dan V

Follow in Dan’s Footsteps

If this resonates with you, perhaps you’d like to also join Pass Your Six Sigma Green Belt.


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