Did I Pick the Right Six Sigma Organization?

Welcome to a new edition of the Six Fix!

Thanks for the incredible reaction to the Case Study I published last week. If you missed it, check it out here:

Today, we’re answering a common question: Did I pick the right Six Sigma organization?

“Hi Ted,

I am studying to take my Six Sigma exam and was originally going to get certified through (Company X). I noticed that this group is not one of the ones your study website has listed, and I was curious if you had any strong recommendations between organizations. (Company X) offers a lifetime certification, and allegedly, the exam is easier than other organizations. While those are appealing to me in terms of convenience, if Six Sigma professionals don’t consider a (Company X) certification strong enough, then it doesn’t do much good to me. Let me know your thoughts!

Thanks, K.C.

K.C’s question is common, and I get asked a variation on this subject every week. And believe me, I have thoughts! 

Choosing the right Six Sigma certification organization can feel daunting, but it’s one of the most critical decisions you’ll make in your journey toward professional growth. The certification you earn showcases your skills, shapes your resume, and builds your professional reputation. So, how do you ensure you’re selecting an organization that sets you up for success?

Why Pursue Six Sigma Certification?

The primary reasons for achieving a Six Sigma certification are to develop advanced problem-solving skills and enhance employability. Therefore, you want to align yourself with an organization that:

  • Is respected within your industry.
  • Maintains rigorous standards for its students.

The certification should serve as proof of excellence, not just participation. Choosing the wrong organization could mean your certification is undervalued in the marketplace.

What is the MOST Recognized Six Sigma Certification?

I write extensively about this topic here: https://sixsigmastudyguide.com/what-are-the-most-recognized-six-sigma-certifications/

I hold the ASQ certifications as the gold standard because they require experience and rigorous application, and they have an incredible organization backing them up that you can be a part of and grow professionally with.

But that’s not the whole story.

Just like Six Sigma is bottom-line focused, so should your choice for how and where you get certified.

What’s the best choice for your bottom line?

Let’s walk through how I coach students to help identify the right path.

Tips for Choosing the Right Organization

  1. Research Your Role Models: Look at 10 people already in your desired job or career. What certifications do they have? Investigate their career journeys to understand what helped them succeed.
  2. Ask Hiring Managers: Find 10 managers who hire for the roles you want. Ask them:
    • What certifications do they value most?
    • Whether a certification from a specific organization would carry weight in their hiring decision.
  3. Leverage Your Network: Reach out to professionals in your field. Ask about their experiences and recommendations regarding Six Sigma certifications.
  4. Inspect the Incentives of the certification organization: I am not here to denigrate any certification, but ‘Paper Mills’ — organizations that mass-produce certifications — are worth discussing.
    • Conflict of Interest: Organizations that handle both training and certification can face a conflict of interest. (This doesn’t mean they do; just that it’s worth inspecting to your satisfaction.
    • Their financial incentives may prioritize passing students over maintaining high standards.
    • For instance, would a training provider hired by your employer risk failing students if it jeopardizes future contracts?
    • If certification is easy for you to get, it’s easy for everyone you’re competing against to get, too.

Carefully evaluate the integrity and incentives of any certification organization before committing.?

Take Action, Even If It’s Not Perfect

Don’t let perfectionism hold you back. While a certification from a highly recognized organization is ideal, it’s not always feasible. Start with what you can achieve today. Remember:

  • Taking action now sets you apart from those who do nothing.
  • As many successful professionals have done, You can pursue a more rigorous or better-recognized certification later.
  • I personally followed this approach twice:

The Bottom Line

Picking the right Six Sigma organization is about more than just the certification. It’s about aligning with an organization that elevates your skills and reputation while building a strong professional network. By taking deliberate steps now, you position yourself for exponential growth and long-term success—regardless of where you start.

When you’re ready, there are a few ways I can help:

First, join 30,000+ other Six Sigma professionals by subscribing to my email newsletter. A short read every Monday to start your work week off correctly. Always free.

If you’re looking to pass your Six Sigma Green Belt or Black Belt exams, I’d recommend starting with my affordable study guide:

1)→ 🟢Pass Your Six Sigma Green Belt​

2)→ ⚫Pass Your Six Sigma Black Belt ​​

You’ve spent so much effort learning Lean Six Sigma. Why leave passing your certification exam up to chance? This comprehensive study guide offers 1,000+ exam-like questions for Green Belts (2,000+ for Black Belts) with full answer walkthroughs, access to instructors, detailed study material, and more.

​ Join 10,000+ students here. 


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