Artificial Intelligence has been all over the news lately. It’s hard to get on Social Media without hearing ChatGPT this and AI that. In this week’s newsletter, I’ll be discussing how Six Sigma is being updated for Industry 4.0 and how you can apply these changes to your own processes.

There’s also a link to a case study we just put out on how a manufacturer boosted Productivity and Reduced Costs by improving Six Sigma techniques with Industry 4.0 mindset.

What on Earth is Industry 4.0?

First, let’s talk about what Industry 4.0 actually means. It refers to the fourth industrial revolution, which is characterized by the integration of advanced technologies like the Internet of Things (IoT), artificial intelligence (AI), and big data into all of our processes.

These technologies are transforming the way every kind of business operates, and Six Sigma must evolve to keep pace.

One of the biggest changes is the shift toward data-driven decision-making.

In the past, Six Sigma relied heavily on manual data collection and analysis. With Industry 4.0, however, data is collected automatically through sensors and other IoT devices, and analyzed in real-time using AI algorithms. This allows for faster, more accurate decision-making and can even help prevent defects before they occur.

Another change is the increased emphasis on flexibility and agility.

In the past, Six Sigma was focused on optimizing processes to achieve maximum efficiency. In Industry 4.0, however, the emphasis is on flexibility and agility, allowing us to quickly adapt to changing market conditions and customer demands.

To apply these changes to your own processes, it’s important to start by embracing data-driven decision-making.

But the question is, how do we update Six Sigma for Industry 4.0?

New tools: Invest in IoT sensors and other devices that can automatically collect data, and use AI algorithms to analyze that data in real time. This will help you identify potential defects and other issues before they occur, and allow you to make decisions quickly and confidently.

Revise your processes: Next, focus on building flexibility and agility in your processes. Look for ways to streamline your supply chain, reduce lead times, and increase responsiveness to customer demands. This may require rethinking your entire production process, but the benefits will be worth it in the long run.

Have a 4.0 mindset: Of course, it’s not just about the tech. You also need to have a mindset of continuous improvement and agility, which means being willing to experiment, learn, and adapt. And don’t forget about the human element, too. You need to collaborate with your colleagues, customers, and stakeholders to create a culture of quality and innovation.

Updating Six Sigma for Industry 4.0 Case Study

If all of this seems too theoretical, here’s the case study I mentioned above. Take a look! 

In conclusion, Six Sigma is evolving to keep pace with Industry 4.0. By embracing data-driven decision-making and building flexibility and agility into your processes, you can stay ahead of the curve and ensure your manufacturing operation is ready for the future.


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