Welcome to Six Sigma Study Guide!

It seems that everybody is talking about getting their Six Sigma Green Belt these days. Starting your Six Sigma journey with an Villanova Green Belt certification will put you on a great path for success.

But studying for the Villanova Six Sigma Green Belt can be hard. Really hard.

Luckily, I’m here to help!

Tomorrow, I’ll send you a few hand-picked articles to help you plan your study so you can pass your Villanova Six Sigma Green Belt certification exam the first time!

I know you’re busy. Your time is precious. With limited time on your hands there are a few things that are absolutely critical to get right, so make sure to keep an eye on your in box tomorrow for my email which lays it all out.

If you ever have any questions, I’m just an email away.

Talk to you tomorrow,

Ted Hessing
